Orrville Mennonite Church

1305 W. Market St. Orrville, Ohio 44667

We are dedicated to loving God and loving people



Monday Meals exists to serve quality, generous meals in the name of Jesus.

We seek to be a blessing to our community with no strings and no cost, with a smile on our faces and gratitude in our hearts.

We served our first meal on March 23, 2020, as a response to the pandemic quarantine. Since then, we have served almost 20,000 meals to people in our community.

Our Goals
1. Bless our community in a difficult time.
2. Provide a healthy meal for those struggling with hunger.
3. Follow Christ by serving others.

Facebook Page Link: https://www.facebook.com/MondayMealsOrrville/

Ways you can help:
1. Cooks or Kitchen help: Contact Bill Seymour at omcbill@gmail.com to ask about volunteering

2. Monetary g
ifts may be given to Monday Meals, contact the church office at (330) 682-5801.

3. Be a Guest Meal provider
for a meal, providing the food and sending a team of 6-8 people to prepare, serve, and clean-up.  More info.

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